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유압 프레스

성형 시리즈는 주로 유압 프레스이며 Y27 단일 동작 유압 프레스, Y32 4 열 유압 프레스, Y41 단일 열 유압 프레스, YL 갠트리 유압 프레스, YM 도어 프레임 엠보싱 기계 등 많은 종류의 유압 프레스가 있습니다. . HARSLE에서 생산하는 유압 프레스는 구조가 단순하지만 가격 대비 성능이 높습니다. 카트리지 밸브 일체형 장치, 내구성 및 작은 유압 충격이 장착 된 유압 제어 시스템. 독립적인 전기 제어, 안정적인 성능, 우수한 시각 및 청각 효과, 쉬운 유지 관리. 기계는 완전한 맞춤형 설계로 제공됩니다.

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Nanjing HARSLE Machine Tool Co.,Ltd.를 설립하여 벤딩 머신, 전단 머신, 펀칭 머신 및 유압 프레스와 같은 판금 기계의 생산, 판매 및 유지 보수에 종사.



고객에게 금속 도어 가공, 금속 싱크 가공 및 기타 생산 라인을 위한 완전한 기계 세트를 제공하고 해외 대리점과 협력 계약을 체결하여 고객에게 더 나은 서비스를 제공합니다.



국내외 무역의 연간 매출은 1000만 달러를 초과했습니다. 점점 더 많은 고객이 우리를 믿고 우리와 함께 일하고 있으며 그들에게 가장 적합한 제품도 제공했습니다. 강력한 수출량과 우수한 고객 피드백으로 Made-in-China.com의 인증 공급업체로 선정되었습니다.


우리 회사의 주요 제품: 프레스 브레이크, 전단기 및 유압 프레스는 국가 특허청에서 인증한 실용 신안 특허 인증서를 획득했습니다. 다음 해에 독립 회사에서 생산한 CNC 프레스 브레이크는 국가 특허청에서 인증한 외관 디자인 특허 인증서를 획득했습니다.


HARSLE에서 생산하는 프레스 브레이크와 유압 프레스는 CE 인증을 획득했습니다. 같은 해 제 6회 인도 BLECH 전시회에 참가하여 고품질의 기계와 전문적인 설명으로 많은 해외 고객들이 현장에서 주문을 하도록 했습니다.


우리 회사에서 생산하는 펀칭기 및 전단기는 CE 인증을 연속적으로 획득했습니다. 같은 해 두바이 전시회에 참가하여 ISO9001:2015 품질 시스템 인증을 통과했습니다.

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Frequently Asked Questions

If you have more questions, please click the button below to view.

How do you care for a hydraulic press machine?

Keep the oil clean (filtered) and at the proper operating temperature. Replace the hydraulic fluid if it smells burnt. Monitor the condition of seals, replace if necessary, and keep polished parts (e.g. cylinder rods and shafts) clear and free of abrasives.

How does a hydraulic press multiply the force?

A liquid is not compressible .
When you press with a plunger diameter 10mm. in a closed and filled up wilt a liquid (eg hydtaulic oil) and move the small plunger 100mm. You have a (pipe) connection to a bigger cylinder with plunger diameter 100mm. Than the this bigger plunger will move only 1mm. however the mechanical force will be 100x as strong (friction not taken into account)
The oil pressure (force) is in ratio to the surface of the plunger (10x diameter = 100x surface/force).
If you close the pipe by a one direction shutter valve, you can repeat the pump movement and every stroke the big (100mm) plunger will move 1 mm. with 100 fold force.

How do hydraulic presses work?

Hydraulic systems work on the Pascal's Principle.
Pascal’s principle states that a pressure change occurring anywhere in a confined in-compressible fluid is transmitted throughout the fluid such that the same change occurs everywhere.
Hydraulic systems use an in-compressible liquid to transmit force from one location to another through the liquid medium.
Pascal's law can be stated as when there is an increase in pressure at any point in a confined fluid, there is an equal increase at every other point in the container.
Mathematically, We can write,
P1=P2 (since the pressures are equal throughout).
Since pressure equals force per unit area, then it follows that
It can be shown by substitution that the values shown above are correct, 1 pound / 1 square inches = 10 pounds / 10 square inches
Because the volume of fluid pushed down on the left side equals the volume of fluid that is lifted up on the right side, the following formula is also true.
by substitution,
A = cross sectional area
D = the distance moved or A1A2=D2D1
This system can be thought of as a simple machine (lever), since force is multiplied.The mechanical advantage can be found by rearranging terms in the above equation to
Mechanical Advantage(IMA) =D1D2 =A2A1
For the sample problem above, the IMA would be 10:1 (10 inches/ 1 inch or 10 square inches / 1 square inch).

What is the function of a hydraulic press machine?

The hydraulic press is composed of two hydraulic cylinders of different sizes, which are filled with water or oil. Water filling is called "hydraulic press"; Oil filled is called "oil press". There is a sliding piston in each of the two hydraulic cylinders. If a certain value of pressure is added to the small piston, according to Pascal's law, the small piston transmits this pressure to the large piston through the pressure of the liquid and pushes the large piston up. Let the cross-sectional area of the small piston be S1 and the downward pressure on the small piston be F1. Therefore, the small piston pair can be transmitted in all directions by the liquid with constant size ". The pressure on the large piston must also be equal to P. If the cross-sectional area of the large piston is S2, the upward pressure cross-sectional area generated by pressure P on the large piston is a multiple of the cross-sectional area of the small piston. From the above formula, if a small force is added to the small piston, a large force will be obtained on the large piston. In practice, a hydraulic press can be used to press plywood, extract oil, extract heavy objects, forge steel, etc.

How many types of hydraulic presses are there?

According to the structural form, it is mainly divided into:
Four column, single column (type C), horizontal, vertical frame, universal hydraulic press, etc.

It is mainly divided into:
Metal forming, bending, stretching, blanking, powder (metal, non-metal) forming, press fitting, extrusion, etc.

Hot forging hydraulic press:
Large forging hydraulic press is a forging equipment that can complete various free forging processes. It is one of the most widely used equipment in the forging industry. At present, there are 800t, 1600t, 2000t, 2500t, 3150T, 4000t, 5000t and other series of forging hydraulic presses.

Four column hydraulic press:
The hydraulic press is suitable for the pressing process of plastic materials. Such as powder product forming, plastic product forming, cold (hot) extrusion metal forming, sheet drawing, transverse pressing, bending, turning through, correction and other processes.

Four column hydraulic press can be divided into four column two beam hydraulic press, four column three beam hydraulic press, four column four beam hydraulic press, etc.

single column hydraulic press:
The working range can be expanded, the hydraulic cylinder stroke can be lengthened (optional) by using three-sided space, the maximum expansion is 260mm-800mm, and the working pressure can be preset; the heat dissipation device of the hydraulic system.

Gantry hydraulic press:
The machine parts can be assembled, disassembled, straightened, calendered, stretched, bent and punched, so as to truly realize multi-purpose of one machine. The worktable of the machine can move up and down, the size expands the opening and closing height of the machine, and the use is more convenient.

Double column hydraulic press:
This series of products are suitable for press fitting, bending and shaping, embossing and indentation, flanging, punching and shallow stretching of small parts; Molding and other processing technologies of metal powder products. It adopts electric control, with inching and semi-automatic circulation, can maintain pressure and delay, and has good slider guidance, convenient operation, easy maintenance, economy and durability. According to the needs of users, thermal instrument, ejector cylinder, stroke digital display, counting and other functions can be added.

How does a hydraulic press machine work?

The areas of the large and small plunger are S2 and S1, and the forces on the plunger are F2 and F1. According to Pascal principle, the pressure of closed liquid is equal everywhere, that is, F2 / S2 = F1 / S1 = p; F2=F1(S2/S1)。 It indicates the gain effect of hydraulic pressure. Like mechanical gain, the force increases, but the work does not gain. So, the moving distance of large plunger is S1 / S2 times that of small plunger.

The basic principle is that the oil pump transmits the hydraulic oil to the integrated cartridge valve block, distributes the hydraulic oil to the upper or lower chamber of the oil cylinder through each one-way valve and overflow valve, and makes the oil cylinder move under the action of high-pressure oil Hydraulic press is a device that uses liquid to send pressure. Pascal's law follows when liquid transfers pressure in a closed container. The hydraulic transmission system of four column hydraulic press composed of power mechanism, control mechanism, actuator, auxiliary mechanism and working medium. The power mechanism usually adopts the oil pump as the power mechanism, which is generally an integral oil pump. To meet the requirements of the movement speed of the actuator, one or more oil pumps selecting. Gear pump for low pressure (oil pressure less than 2.5MP); vane pump for medium pressure (oil pressure less than 6.3mp); plunger pump for high pressure (oil pressure less than 32.0mp). Pressure processing and forming of various plastic materials, such as extrusion, bending and deep drawing of stainless steel plate and cold pressing of metal parts. At the same time, it can also use for pressing powder products, grinding wheels, bakelite, and resin thermosetting products.

What is a hydraulic press used for?

The hydraulic press is a kind of machine which uses liquid as a working medium to transfer energy to realize various processes. In addition to forging, a hydraulic press can also use for correction, press fitting, packaging, pressing block, and pressing plate. Hydraulic press includes hydraulic press and hydraulic press. Water-based liquid as the working medium is called the hydraulic press, and oil as the working medium call the hydraulic press. The specifications of hydraulic presses are generally expressed in nominal working force (KN) or nominal tonnage (ton). Hydraulic presses for forging are mostly hydraulic presses with high tonnage. In order to reduce the size of equipment, large forging hydraulic presses often use higher pressure (about 35 MPa), sometimes ultra-high pressure above 100 MPa is also used. The working pressure of hydraulic press for other purposes is generally 6 ~ 25 MPa. The tonnage of hydraulic press is lower than that of hydraulic press.

Can I get overseas service from HARSLE?

HARSLE can provide overseas service including installation, commissioning, training and maintenance for any clients from all over the world, customer only assume the accommodation and airfare for our engineer and pay USD100 as the salary for our engineer everyday.

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